At Bay Atlantic FCU, we care about your financial wellness! That’s why we’ve partnered with industry-leading Balance Pro to provide you with access to free private financial counseling and coaching programs. Balance Pro has a full library of resources and programs for every stage of life.
Counselors are available:
Monday - Thursday: 10:30AM - 9PM
Friday: 10:30AM - 8PM
Saturday: 12PM - 5PM
Call toll-free 1-888-456-2227 or click here to learn more.

Rental Coaching:
Balance counselors offer free education on building credit and becoming a desirable tenant. Their specialized rental counselors will help you develop a personalized spending plan and provide you with advice for saving money, increasing income, and reducing debt. Their counselors will work with you to review:
Why credit matters
Calculating an affordable rent payment
Common landlord requirements
Understanding lease agreements
Basic tenant rights and affordable housing options
Homeownership Counseling:
Housing can be an overwhelming subject to tackle on your own, whether you are dreaming of owning your first home, or struggling to make mortgage payments on your current home. Balance counselors are readily available to help you make sense of it all.
Pre-Purchase Counseling:
The first year of homeownership is often the most challenging. Balance's Pre-Purchase Counseling Program will help you prepare for the added expenses and responsibilities of owning a home, so you know what to expect, and where to turn for help. From setting a realistic household budget and reviewing credit reports, to explaining the home-ownership process and lending requirements, Balance counselors can help guide the way.
Foreclosure Prevention:
Balance is a HUD-certified counseling agency and can make sure you know and understand all of your options, should you ever feel your financial situation threatens your home.
Reverse Mortgage Counseling:
Balance counselors help to educate seniors on the benefits, consequences, options and process of obtaining a home equity conversion mortgage, and enable them to make a more educated decision about whether this type of loan is right for you.