Apply for a Loan
You must be a Bay Atlantic FCU member in good standing to apply for a loan. Physical loan applications are available at both our Main Office and Loan Center. Online applications must be submitted through Virtual Branch online banking using a web browser. We do not accept applications through the Mobiliti mobile app or email. Home equity loan applications are only available in person. Please speak with a loan officer for more information.
To ensure timely application processing, please confirm that all of your contact information is current and correct in Virtual Branch. You may also be asked to provide proof of income and/or additional documents depending on the requested loan type.​

Confirm that you are applying with the correct member ID, and follow the steps given in the online application. If you are applying for a credit card, remember to list Credit Card as the loan purpose. When you've completed the application, you will receive a confirmation number. This is your indication the application was submitted successfully.
Once we have received all necessary documentation, you should expect to hear from a loan officer in two to three business days.
A personal loan is an unsecured loan.
A vehicle or recreational loan is a secured loan.
A share pledge/certificate loan is a secured loan.
Loan documents may be dropped off in person, emailed to our loan officers at loans@bayatlanticfcu.org or faxed to 856-691-5593. Once we have received all necessary documentation, you should expect to hear from a loan officer in two to three business days.
To start your online application, log into Virtual Branch online banking.
Once logged in, select the “New Account” option, and select “Apply for a Loan” from the drop down menu.