Checking Accounts
A Bay Atlantic FCU share draft/checking account is the one you will want to use to manage your family's financial affairs on a daily basis. Our checking accounts offer the following:
No minimum balance requirement
No monthly service fee
No per-check charges
Free Visa debit card option
uChoose rewards
Overdraft protection available
Online account access
Online Bill Pay
Statements and E-Notices
Free Fraud Detection calls​
If you would like to open a checking account, you must be a Bay Atlantic FCU member with an current share savings account. Credit union members can open a checking account in person at any time. Please visit the main office to speak with a member service representative.
Questions? Call 856-696-2525 or toll-free 877-590-8866 and speak with a member service representative for more information.
Debit Cards
Because it carries the Visa symbol, your Bay Atlantic FCU's Visa debit card (or check card) works like a check anywhere a Visa card is welcome-- over 12 million locations around the world!
BAFCU debit cards can be used in person at point of sale, at ATMs to withdrawal cash, and stored in digital wallets for ultimate convenience!
If you are going on vacation or will be traveling out of state, please be sure to submit a travel notice with CardSpotlight! Travel notices help ensure that transactions you make while away from home won't mistakenly be flagged as fraudulent.
Lost or Stolen Debit Card
If your debit card has been lost or stolen, please notify us immediately to protect your account, money, and information.
During regular business hours, call: 877-590-8866 (toll free) or 856-696-2525
After normal business hours, call: 866-217-1773
You can also report your card lost or stolen and request a replacement in the Mobiliti Mobile app at any time.
It is imperative that you notify us as soon as possible if your card has been lost or stolen. The sooner we are able to flag and disable your card, the less at risk your account is. Don't worry- replacement debit cards can be printed in our office so you don't have to wait for a card in the mail!
Please be aware: As of 02/24/2022 all online gambling transactions are blocked on all Bay Atlantic FCU debit and credit cards.
Because it carries the Visa symbol, your Bay Atlantic FCU's Visa debit card (or check card) works like a check anywhere a Visa card is welcome-- over 12 million locations around the world!
BAFCU debit cards can be used in person at point of sale, at ATMs to withdrawal cash, and stored in digital wallets for ultimate convenience!
Your BAFCU Visa debit card also comes with Enhancement Benefits!
*Introducing Debit Card Round Ups!*
Simplify your savings with our latest feature—Debit Card Round Ups! By signing up, the change on each of your debit card transactions will be rounded to the nearest dollar. The round up will then be automatically transferred to your BAFCU savings, holiday, or vacation club account.
For example: if you use your debit card to buy a coffee for $3.50, a round up will be initiated and $0.50 will automatically be transferred to your designated account. Debit Card Round Ups will not process if you do not have adequate available funds in your share draft checking account; so you don’t have to worry about negative balances or fees.
Debit Card Round Ups are an easy way to build your savings, even when you’re on a tight budget. You’d be surprised how quickly your change can add up!
Call 856-696-2525 or toll-free 877-590-8866 and speak with a member service representative to start saving with Debit Card Round Ups today.